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Category: General News

Arizona Pioneers’ Home Cemetery

The Cooper Family would like to announce that a final resting place for Jeff and Janelle’s remains has been secured at the Arizona Pioneers’ Home Cemetery in Prescott at the request of the family.  While Gunsite has been completely supportive of the Coopers remaining in the mausoleum in perpetuity, a family decision was made to ensure long term security and allow easier access by family and friends.  The Arizona Pioneers’ Home Cemetery is surrounded by the beautiful mountains of Prescott, and is home to some of the area’s most noted figures, including Sharlot Hall, Big Nose Kate, and a majority of the Granite Mountain Hotshots.  All are welcome to visit.     The Coopers’ home at the Sconce will remain a monument to Jeff and Janelle on Gunsite Ranch, sponsored and maintained by Gunsite Academy.  The new Gunsite 250 Pistol Course graduates will continue to visit the Sconce after graduation.  It will also be open by appointment to Gunsite family members to visit and enjoy by scheduling through Gunsite Academy.

Update on the Sconce at Gunsite

Update on the Sconce at Gunsite

The Sconce


The Sconce, Mom and Dad’s residence at Gunsite, was always part of the entire property and, as such, was sold when Gunsite was sold.   Mom and Dad had “life estate” in the Sconce.   With Mom’s passing this last July, we have been going through all the personal belongings therein.
We have completed this phase and have turned over the keys to Gunsite.
All of Dad’s collections (guns, edged weapons, hunting trophies, leather accessories and books) belong to The Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation and will continue to be housed at the Sconce through the generosity of Buz and Sonja Mills.   The Sconce will continue to be available for tours and we will continue to host the Open House at the end of each 250 class, complete with brownies and Arnold Palmers.
The traditions live on!

Jeff Cooper Commemorative 1911 by Ed Brown

Jeff Cooper Commemorative 1911 by Ed Brown


We are pleased to introduce a special, limited edition 1911 from Ed Brown Products, Inc. in memory of the late Colonel Jeff Cooper. This commemorative 1911 is officially endorsed by the family of Jeff Cooper, and was designed in collaboration with them to render, as authentically as possible, what Jeff Cooper himself desired in a 1911.  The final design was based on input from our builders, the Coopers, and many of Jeff’s closest friends and fans. The goal was to create a 1911 for combat shooting and personal defense that he would have been proud to carry. The final product speaks for itself. If you were to own only one commemorative 1911, this would be the one.  A portion of the proceeds from this project will go to the Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation to help them continue their work letting the next generation know who Jeff Cooper was, and what he meant to us all.

To get more information and to order your limited edition 1911 Jeff Cooper Commemorative 1911 Visit the Ed Brown Website.